The idea of US to PH shipping is something most Pinoys would cringe at. It's just impossible to do it without paying exorbitant customs fees by the Bureau of Customs once they 'hostage' your package at their office. So for normal people like me, things that are commonly available in the US but not here in the Philippines are just 'Hay...' with matching sigh na lang. Dreaming that one day, a sort of miracle would happen and those items would just pop out of different stores here in the Philippines.
Well, something happened indeed but they are not miracles and the items we want didn't just magically appear in Philippine soil. US to PH forwarders are now slowly becoming available to us here and we now have the freedom to shop on most US online stores, send those items to forwarders, skip all the BoC drama and have the items safely delivered on our doorstep. I will no longer explain the process since the info is out there, just a Google away for you who are reading this post.
So out of all the choices out there, I stumbled upon LBC Shipping Cart. Although surprisingly new in the US to PH forwarding game, they seemed promising. You use the US address they will give you once you create an account on their site, shop on US stores and have your items shipped to their US address and they will consolidate the items in a box for you until you are ready to ship them to your PH address. One of the features that they have which sets them apart from the rest is they photograph each item they receive and the photos will be posted on your LBC Shipping Cart account. Plus, you can view how much it would cost you to ship the items by sea or by air. No hidden fees. No heart attack inducing US to PH shipping fees if you suddenly decided to ship your box to your PH address.
Of course, aside from the info I got from their website, I did my own research for people with firsthand experience about them. Went forum hopping, backread hundreds of forum pages with discussions about US to PH shipping and how their LBC Shipping Cart experience go. I was fairly satisfied with what I found from days and days of my research that I finally signed up on their site.
My first item was a book from Amazon. This was just a trial item for me so I can see how fast and efficient their system is. The book was delivered to their Hayward, CA office January 13, 2015. A few hours later, I got an email from LBC confirming that they got the book and I can view the image and details on my LBC Shipping Cart account. When I logged in to my account, it is indeed there. Though the photo they took is not in high resolution, the photo is enough proof for me that the item was received in good condition and they now have it stored in my box.
I was encouraged with this experience. I shopped more and sent the items their way. I had the same positive experience as my first item with them. It seemed like I really made the right choice with LBC. I mean, its LBC, right? They are the biggest and most popular courier here in the Philippines. After years and years of handling packages in the PH and from abroad, how can they fail? They know their shit.
Well, soon enough, I found out that this was NOT TRUE. Yes, they are good if everything in their system works properly, but once they fuck up, they do it ROYALLY.
Here's how my nightmare began...
January 25, 2015
Package #1 = 1 item
One of my Amazon packages arrived early. So it was delivered on a Saturday (January 24 US California time). Since the LBC Hayward, CA office is closed on weekends, no one was there to receive it. I checked the USPS tracking on their site + Amazon tracking and it said that they left the box where I (or the LBC office) typically get my mail. Okay. Breathe in. Breathe out. At this point I was already panicking inside. Where did they leave it? Will LBC find this package once they open Monday (Jan. 26)???
Package # 2 = 2 items
Another package from a different US shop arrived and was delivered also by USPS. This was also the same day that the Amazon package was left outside(?) the LBC office. I'm not really sure if this package was delivered the same time as the other Amazon package, but with this one, USPS didn't leave it there. They brought it back to the USPS office and will redelivered the next business day.
So, with sweaty and shaking hands, I contacted LBC Shipping Cart via the Contact Us form in my account. I informed them about both the packages. I think I got a response Monday that they will be forwarding my inquiry with their Hayward office and will send me an update. Okay. No need to worry. They got it.
January 27, 2015
Package # 2 = 2 items
True to their word, USPS redelivered this package at the LBC Hayward office. Awesome. Although some of my anxiety was relieved by this information, I was still expecting an update from the LBC cs who promised to update me. Package #1 is still unaccounted for.
Package # 3 = 2 items
Another package was delivered at the LBC Hayward office by UPS. The tracking status said it was signed by SANDRA and left at the office there. Good. Someone signed for it and it was received properly.
Okay. I have my own Excel sheet and marked the 2 packages as received and 4 items should appear as received in my account the next day. I was excited to wake up the next day to see these 4 items posted in my account.
January 28, 2015
This is what I saw upon opening my LBC Shipping Cart account. That's weird. They usually post the items in my account at the end of their business day there, I kept hearing warning bells in my head but I decided to ignore them because it's LBC. They got their shit together. They must be some kind of delay in their system. The items should be posted there by tomorrow (January 29). I TRUST THEM.
I sent them another email about it for good measure. I also called their hotline to see if I could talk to someone about this problem. I was able to talk to Carlo who handles the LBC Shipping Cart CS hotline. He just repeated what he said in the email response I got. He will follow it up on their Hayward office and he will update me once the Hayward office sent them a response.
I placed another 3 Amazon orders and had the items delivered at their Hayward office again. Like what I said earlier, I trust them. This is probably just a minor glitch in their system. I'm sure they would resolve this eventually.
January 29, 2015
Hmm... This is not right. I placed another call to their hotline and asked to talk to someone who handles the LBC Shipping Cart concerns. I got connected to Trish. Again, she promised to send a follow up email to their Hayward office. She was very polite but I lost it when she couldn't give me the number of their Hayward office. She said they don't have the number of their Hayward office and they are solely relying on emails to communicate with the people there.
What. The. Fuck.
So, its either she's lying and she doesn't want me to call their Hayward office or they really don't have the Hayward contact information I was asking for? Well, none of these made sense so I got mad and raised my voice a little. (I'm sorry, Trish.) But at the end of the call, she promised to get back to me and even got my mobile number so she could me once they got an update.
At this point, my head is already spinning. What have I gotten myself into? What kind of forwarding company does not know their offices' contact numbers and just rely on emails to communicate?
Where in the world are my items?!
And the thought that my recent Amazon orders will be delivered again by January 30 (US California time) at their Hayward office makes me worry even more. I could cancel it I know. But for the life of me, I decided to just let the packages arrive at the LBC Hayward office. I'm still hopeful that they will resolve this soon.
January 30, 2015
This is maddeningly annoying. If you've used other forwarders in the past and you are used with the delays in posting of items with your account, this is tolerable. I know. I've read it on different forums. And that is the exact reason why I stayed away from the other more popular forwarders and chose LBC. In my book, they were efficient and reliable. My previous items were received and posted on time in my account. But this has been going on for days! WTH is happening?!!!!!!!
January 31, 2015
Package # 4 = 1 item
Package # 5 = 1 item
Package # 6 = 1 item
I woke up and checked the USPS status of my recent Amazon orders. They were already marked as delivered at the LBC Hayward office. Great. Now the moment of truth awaits. Let's see if the problem only affects the previous packages they got last January 26-28.
I opened the email account I'm using for my LBC account and saw that there was NO LBC EMAIL waiting for me. No new received item notification. No promised update from their CS. Fantastic. They are now becoming super reliable for being unreliable in my book.
But to my surprise, when I checked my LBC account, I have a received item! (Sorry I forgot to take a screenshot due to my excitement and immediately put the item in a box--that's how you consolidate your items at their site--in fear of losing this item also.
Unfortunately, the other items weren't there. Just 1 out of the 3 received items on January 30th (Friday, US CA time) was posted in my account.
Furious, I called the LBC hotline again and got connected to Carlo. I already spoke to him a few days ago about this problem and he already knew me. I was really trying so hard not to raise my voice again but he made the mistake of using the zip code of Package #2 as an excuse of why it was possibly lost.
He said that in the USPS tracking, it showed that instead of the LBC Hayward, CA 94545 zip code, it became 94544. (See image below for reference)
I argued that this shouldn't be a case or an excuse of why this package is missing. This USPS tracking result is probably just a typo or they entered the zip code of the post office where it was held during the weekend. But he insisted that that is probably why this package is missing still. I told him that even if the zip code is different in the tracking info on the USPS website, there is a waybill/shipping receipt plastered on the packages! That contains my name and the shipping info I use for every single US online shop order I sent their way. He still insisted that USPS might have delivered it to the wrong address because of the zip code.
This is where I totally lost it and shouted at him on the phone. I'm sorry, Carlo, nothing personal but the excuse you're giving me is totally unacceptable and ridiculous I even have a name for it in my mind: SHIT.
How in the world will there be 2 similar 26517 Danti Courts in Hayward, California? The other one has the 94545 zip code and the other one has the 94544? REALLY?! Are they feeding you well there in the LBC Hotline department? Who would use that kind of logic?
I mean, there are now 7 items missing out of the 8 items I sent to your LBC Hayward office.
Of all the 7 items that are missing, he specifically picked that one minor detail to use as an excuse to justify why 2 of the 7 are missing??? So, yeah, let's say I believe him. Let's say I'm dumb enough to believe that that package with 2 items were delivered on another 26517 Danti Court with the 94544 zipcode. So what happened to the other 5 items? Did they magically disappeared into thin air because someone might have put the box containing these packages the wrong side up? Or did the dog ate them? What?!
After my long speech over the phone, Carlo promised that he will send a follow up email AGAIN at their Hayward office. Also, he promised that he will also CALL them later to check on this issue. I thought Trisha said they don't have the contact # of their Hayward office? See? This is how 'efficient' they can be with handling your concerns. He promised to call me on Monday at 1pm for the update I am asking for. He said he will. Though I no longer believe him, let's see if he would indeed.
So there. I'm truly sorry for the long post but this is actually a summary of everything that happened since LBC fucked up with my packages at their Hayward office. I was never updated on whether they have my items there. I have to call them just to remind them of the updates they promised. I would've been more patient if they were able to send me a short email listing the items that they received under my name. It would take just a few minutes to send one email. Fuck the photos. Just an email confirming receipt of my items would be enough. I think I deserve that for trusting them so much with the things I bought for my small online business.
By the way, here's a round up of all the missing packages/items that are unaccounted for by LBC. Note that the tracking status of these items from UPS & USPS all said that they were delivered, received and signed by the front desk personnel at their Hayward office. One of them was left outside of the office last Saturday but I will indicate that on the list so I can refer to it on my next post/update regarding this LBC fuck up.
Currently missing/unaccounted for items by LBC Shipping Cart
Package #1 = 1 item (left outside LBC office on January 24, no one signed for it)
Package # 2 = 2 items (the one with the different zip code in the USPS site, delivered Jan. 26)
Package # 3 = 2 items (delivered Jan. 26, signed by SANDRA)
I know some of you are here because you are also like me, looking for a convenient and reliable US forwarder that you can use when you shop on US online shopping sites. And I'm guessing that you were looking for feedback for the LBC Shipping Cart because you are considering of using them to ship from US to PH. Well, this is my experience with them so far. I'm not being paid to promote other US to PH forwarders and tarnish the lovely reputation of LBC especially the LBC Shipping Cart service. In fact, I didn't even mention other popular forwarders so I won't be accused of such.
This is my LBC Shipping Cart experience so far, Hopefully, yours wouldn't turn out worse than mine if you still decided to try them. I will be updating this post next week as soon as I get any update/development with this issue.
UPDATE: 2/1/2015 1:15PM
I checked my LBC Shipping Cart account today and thankfully, the items in Package 4&5 were already posted in My Received Items.
Still no sign of the items in Packages 1, 2 & 3.
UPDATE: 2/2/2015 1:30PM
Bad news: Still no sign of the items in Packages 1, 2 & 3.
Good news: LBC finally lived up to their word and called me at exactly 1pm. Instead of Carlo or Trish, Voltaire Jose was the one who called me this time. He introduced himself as the LBC eCommerce ***(?). Sorry I forgot your title, Voltaire.
Anyway, he was very polite and told me that from now on and until my items safely reach my doorstep, he would be the one who will handle my account, especially this issue I'm currently having with LBC Shipping Cart.
He promised to update me later tonight about this issue. It is still Sunday evening in Hayward, CA. The Hayward office won't be open until 1am tomorrow (PH time). He said that he will call the Hayward office as soon as they open later to check the status of my missing items, provide me with email updates and will also call me tomorrow.
Well, I have to say, I appreciate the way they are handling this issue now compared to last week. This is how problems like this should have been treated since day one.
I checked my LBC Shipping Cart account today and thankfully, the items in Package 4&5 were already posted in My Received Items.
Still no sign of the items in Packages 1, 2 & 3.
UPDATE: 2/2/2015 1:30PM
Bad news: Still no sign of the items in Packages 1, 2 & 3.
Good news: LBC finally lived up to their word and called me at exactly 1pm. Instead of Carlo or Trish, Voltaire Jose was the one who called me this time. He introduced himself as the LBC eCommerce ***(?). Sorry I forgot your title, Voltaire.
Anyway, he was very polite and told me that from now on and until my items safely reach my doorstep, he would be the one who will handle my account, especially this issue I'm currently having with LBC Shipping Cart.
He promised to update me later tonight about this issue. It is still Sunday evening in Hayward, CA. The Hayward office won't be open until 1am tomorrow (PH time). He said that he will call the Hayward office as soon as they open later to check the status of my missing items, provide me with email updates and will also call me tomorrow.
Well, I have to say, I appreciate the way they are handling this issue now compared to last week. This is how problems like this should have been treated since day one.
UPDATE: 2/2/2015 3:45PM
After being MIA for days, LBC finally found my stuff! They suddenly appeared on my account a few minutes ago. I'm so happy! I'm actually more worried about these 2 packages than Package #1, which is still missing as of the moment, and I'm so relieved that they finally found them. I also got a call from LBC again, this time si Reg, to confirm that they already found my stuff. She said the Hayward warehouse people had a hard time finding these 2 packages because the box # was not indicated in the addresses of the packages.
Okay. Here's what happened there: The site where I shopped at would not accept the address of the Hayward office. Every time I tried changing it to indicate the box number, it would change to a different address. If you've shopped on US online stores, you'll get what I mean. So, what I did was, I put my complete LBC details, including the address + BOX #, on the gift message. From what I know, the gift message for orders were also included on the shipment info form plastered on the packages they ship out. That was why I was confident that they won't have problems with these two packages. Or if they did, I was expecting that it wouldn't be that hard to iron things out with them because I had the impression that it would be easy to communicate with them. Unfortunately, you know how the story went and I had to resort to posting this blog post before I received the attention I deserve as a customer.
But, to be fair, I commend LBC for handling this situation well. They finally resolved the problem and I hope that delays like this won't happen again in the future. It makes customers worry and being told the same spiel every time we would reach out for your help does not help at all. What I really wanted in the beginning is just a confirmation that they received my packages and the items are secured in the Hayward warehouse.
Thank you, LBC. You've earned my trust and respect again. Kudos to the people who helped in straightening this mess out.
Re: Package #1
It is still missing as of the moment and Reg told me that they still couldn't find it in the warehouse. She suggested that I contact USPS about it to verify that they indeed left the package at the warehouse on January 24 (Saturday). That is what I've been waiting to hear since last week. I just need the confirmation that they didn't get this item since it was left at Hayward address on a non-business day. If I had known this last week, I wouldn't have held them responsible for this particular package.
Now I know that this is Amazon and USPS' fault. Finally, there is closure about this package. And yes, LBC, I'm finally letting you off the hook with this package.
After being MIA for days, LBC finally found my stuff! They suddenly appeared on my account a few minutes ago. I'm so happy! I'm actually more worried about these 2 packages than Package #1, which is still missing as of the moment, and I'm so relieved that they finally found them. I also got a call from LBC again, this time si Reg, to confirm that they already found my stuff. She said the Hayward warehouse people had a hard time finding these 2 packages because the box # was not indicated in the addresses of the packages.
Okay. Here's what happened there: The site where I shopped at would not accept the address of the Hayward office. Every time I tried changing it to indicate the box number, it would change to a different address. If you've shopped on US online stores, you'll get what I mean. So, what I did was, I put my complete LBC details, including the address + BOX #, on the gift message. From what I know, the gift message for orders were also included on the shipment info form plastered on the packages they ship out. That was why I was confident that they won't have problems with these two packages. Or if they did, I was expecting that it wouldn't be that hard to iron things out with them because I had the impression that it would be easy to communicate with them. Unfortunately, you know how the story went and I had to resort to posting this blog post before I received the attention I deserve as a customer.
But, to be fair, I commend LBC for handling this situation well. They finally resolved the problem and I hope that delays like this won't happen again in the future. It makes customers worry and being told the same spiel every time we would reach out for your help does not help at all. What I really wanted in the beginning is just a confirmation that they received my packages and the items are secured in the Hayward warehouse.
Thank you, LBC. You've earned my trust and respect again. Kudos to the people who helped in straightening this mess out.
Re: Package #1
It is still missing as of the moment and Reg told me that they still couldn't find it in the warehouse. She suggested that I contact USPS about it to verify that they indeed left the package at the warehouse on January 24 (Saturday). That is what I've been waiting to hear since last week. I just need the confirmation that they didn't get this item since it was left at Hayward address on a non-business day. If I had known this last week, I wouldn't have held them responsible for this particular package.
Now I know that this is Amazon and USPS' fault. Finally, there is closure about this package. And yes, LBC, I'm finally letting you off the hook with this package.
I have the same problem with LBC Shipping Cart. My items were delivered by UPS last January 19, 2015 and up to this date my received items is still empty. Their CSR here in the Philippines are not helpful either. They will simply repeat what they say in their auto-response email. I suggest for those looking for reliable shipping method to look else where. LBC Shipping Cart is being run by unprofessional amateurs.
ReplyDeleteExactly. I can't even ship my items now because I am waiting for the missing tems. Those are the important items that I really need to be shipped out ASAP. And now it seemed as if they lost it. Wonderful.
Deletehello author, i have the same problem with your package #2. in usps site the status is "delivered" with the wrong zip code. instead of 94545 its 94544. by the way i bought the item in ebay and i believe i have inputted the write address i also informed the seller about where to ship the address. so how come its 94544? can you help me with this. thanks
DeleteIf you're looking for another forwarder to ship your items shopped for online in the US to the Philippines, go to Register now and get 20% off your first shipment to Philippines.
DeleteIf you looking for reliable, affordable consolidated international shipping services, not only to the Philippines, go to
Have been in business for over 65 years!
If you looking for reliable, affordable consolidated international shipping services, not only to the Philippines, go to
Have been in business for over 65 years!
Author, if you want your items to be refunded sa amazon, contact me.! Are u working sa amazon Beetee Temple?
DeleteHi, I’ve recently shipped one of my items individually. I already got a confirmation via e-mail that my actual ETA would be Feb 13, 2015. However, the tracking number hasn’t updated yet and still showing Jan 30, 2015 ACCEPTED AT: Office 100. Anyone having the same tracking update?
ReplyDeleteI also have similar problem. Where you able to get your package on time?
DeleteThanks for this Blog. I have the same problem with USPS. website posted wrong zip code but I also agree there are no same address with different zip code. lol. I'll just wait for MSB 3 days clearance then.
ReplyDeletewhats the update with this? did you receive your item?
DeleteUpdate: My package was delivered, spot on to their ETA from the e-mail receipt. Good customer support too, in my opinion. :-)
ReplyDeleteNever have your items shipped on a Saturday. Amazon ships your items to arrive on a saturday ONLY if you pay them extra. Just go opt for the normal delivery schedule to make sure items arrive on a weekday. Saturday deliveries are more expensive.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy advice is, NEVER have USPS deliver your item. Especially, if you’re unsure of the destination and NEVER on a weekend. Set your Amazon settings to avoid weekends.
ReplyDeleteRemember that USPS is a gov’t parcel service and most of my American friends said that their people DO NOT CARE if your address is right or wrong; they do not care if someone is there receive it. They’ll toss your stuff on the rooftop if they want to. Use them for low risk items and only if you can guarantee a recipient and an address.
I used to be a fan of but lately they became so strict, at naging O.A. na. I had 2 items shipped to them on different occasions, a gps receiver and minoxidil which they declined. Had them forwarded to for 14 usd forwarding fee each.
ReplyDeleteWith your blog I learned there is LBC. Tried it and was very satisfied. Had a fitness tracker delivered to manila within a week after I paid, more expensive but was worth it. I have an item coming from, paid them same time but until now 2 weeks na wala pa.
I definitely recommend LBC If you're in a hurry to get your item.
got my first transaction with lbc cart a while ago...crossing my fingers
ReplyDeleteHi Jesse. How did your first transaction go?
DeleteHi, I had the same dilemma as yours. my package under Fedex status says Delivery exception...I chose Fedex smartpost and now USPS deliver it this Saturday Oct.3. Now my question how can I contact USPS to redeliver my package on LBC on Monday? there were lots of USPS at Hayward CA.. :(
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to your weekend delivery? Did they redelivered it? I'm worried 'cause my item will be delivered tomorrow (saturday) :(
Deletehi sir any update on your package? same thing happened to me.. USPS tracking shows different zip code.. and the package was left in/at mailbox.. I think I'm screwed.. still not showing up in my shipping cart storage..
ReplyDeleteAny update on your order?
DeleteThe Shipping Cart--unfortunately--doesn't live up to its claim because it's neither fast nor reliable. Super sad with my latest experience (my sixth package in three months, mind you.) They always say they "attempt" delivery (three days in a row) but claim I'm always "out" or that the "house was closed"--making it my fault. First off, the delivery address isn't a house (they would've known that if they had actually gone there). The delivery address is open 24/7--even on holidays. It never closes. Second, I left an authorization letter, which means that--technically--it shouldn't matter if I'm there or not (but I was there, btw). Third, guard/receptionist said that there were actually no delivery attempts made. As a die-hard eBayer, finding out that LBC Shipping Cart lies and is generally unreliable is heartbreaking. LBC Shipping Cart has lost a fan. I hope they at least get that package to me before Chrissy *like they promised they would* (Remember that "ship on or before December 10 and get it before Christmas e-mail" they sent?). Everybody else, be warned. Don't use this service if you have a time frame you'd like to stick to.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, they also lost one of my packages, but since I was able to get a refund, hindi ko na hinabol.
ReplyDeleteHi, how did they lost your packaged? when shippingcart is delivering it US to PH?
DeleteI've lost an item (or you can say, a group of items( inside the consolidated box. I've already sent a claim email to them and hoping that they will resolve this. My experience with LBC has been flawless for several months until now :(
ReplyDeleteHi did you get your refund?? I'm getting scared now...
DeleteI paid for shipment of a package last December 15. Until now, there is no update in my account about the package. They did not even bother posting a tracking number in my account. Emailed and called them multiple times but still have not received an acceptable answer about my missing package. My experience with LBC Shipping Cart has been significantly worse compared to JohnnyAir. I have never experienced this degree of disregard and lack of communication from JohnnyAir. So disappointed with my first time trying out LBC Shipping Cart.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou think they can ship a set of car rims? (4 pcs 18 inches car wheels).
ReplyDeleteSorry, they prohibit the shipping of "Automotive Parts and Accessories, including Wheel Rims, and Tires". (
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe LBC reply regarding the erroneous ZIP code may be valid. I have 2 bad experiences with USPS people where I had packages delivered to 2 different places where I was staying. In one instance, I had the package delivered to a big resort, the only one actually in the area. When I tracked the package, it said "Undeliverable". Since the package was left at the local USPS, I had to pick up the package from the USPS personally and I questioned the people there why it could not be delivered. And they said, the address is non-existent in their system. I said the resort name, the road, etc. are indicated; everyone knows where it is - are these details not enough? No, if there is a single error or typo in the address, the package cannot be delivered because the address is non-existent in their system. They simply do not care - they are robots. Take note that using the same address, items can be delivered via UPS (a private service), but not via USPS.
ReplyDeleteI had minor problem with lbc shipping cart. 2 out of 2 of my package were delivered almost exactly on time. Only thing is the 2nd package with 3 items has 1 of them not eligible for shipment. Now i tried to contact to inquire if they can sort out the item eligible for shipment via email but i havent yet recieved any reply. Its alreasy my 2nd time contacting them via email. 2 days already have passed and still havent got a reply. I tried calling their landline but i cant seem to connect via cellphone. Can somebody tell me other ways of cantacting lbc shipping cart? Glad to hear responses.
ReplyDeleteI had minor problem with lbc shipping cart. 2 out of 2 of my package were delivered almost exactly on time. Only thing is the 2nd package with 3 items has 1 of them not eligible for shipment. Now i tried to contact to inquire if they can sort out the item eligible for shipment via email but i havent yet recieved any reply. Its alreasy my 2nd time contacting them via email. 2 days already have passed and still havent got a reply. I tried calling their landline but i cant seem to connect via cellphone. Can somebody tell me other ways of cantacting lbc shipping cart? Glad to hear responses.
ReplyDeleteIf you're looking for another forwarder to ship your items shopped for online in the US to the Philippines, you might want to go to To learn more about the service, their FB page is Kango Express Philippines. Register now and get 20% off your first shipment to Philippines. Hope this helps!
ReplyDeleteWow, I didn't thought I'd actually read all of them, thanks for this blog. I am also planning to use LBC shipping cart.
ReplyDeleteDespite the horror story of the blogger about his experience with LBCSC (and redemption at the end), I will still give it try. I used Johnny Air Cargo the first two times, both went well only with the second time, after a month, I emailed and called up JAC's Makati main office why I haven't received a notification on my second shipment (I paid for air shipment). That's when they found found out it was sent to "the other department" because of missing contact numbers. How can that be when I notified their CA office about the incoming shipment and my email signature shows my two local cp numbers. And that it was my second transaction with them. They could have at least have the resourcefulness of looking it up in their database based on my name. Days after, I got an email informing me of the arrival of my shipment at their Makati office. Well, not so bad but I was a bit disappointed with my second transaction with JAC. I'm giving LBCSC a try now since I will be relocating to Paranaque this week and LBC delivers the shipment to your doorstep. Let's how it goes.
ReplyDeleteAmazon and USPS indicates that my purchases have been delivered. My LBC shipping cart dashboard says otherwise. My "storage" at is still empty even though it's nearly 24 hours since I have been notified that somebody on my virtual address received it. I emailed LBCSC and a an automatic reply came. The next day after, they emailed me asking for the tracking number. I guess I have to wait till tomorrow. :-( so sad. excited panaman
ReplyDeleteHello, I ordered something in Amazon and when LBC shipping cart got it, the only photo I received in "My storage" is the Amazon receipt.. is this normal? shouldn't it be the actual photo of the item? oh my god I'm getting nervous maybe my item got lost and they will only ship me the box...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehow were you able to call them? I have items that are lost. I'm expecting 10 but only 9 in the storage. I send them email thru contact us but i haven't receive reply from them 3 days already.
ReplyDeleteHello, what do you do if USPS came on a weekend to the LBC office? They delivered my order on a Friday night but of course business hours were wee past that. I contacted both LBC shipping cart and the online store I bought the items from. In this case, where will the responsibility for delivery lie and how much leeway do they give to deliver the package?
ReplyDeleteAlso, I had an eBay order that came in last July 13th but up until now, it hasn't been tracked and I'm worried that my Amazon order was first put in Storage first over the item from eBay. How do I manage to help them consolidate my items for shipment then?
Awww... too bad. I was suppose to try, but now this post changed my mind. Thanks for the heads up! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks to all your reviews I am scrapping LBC's shipping cart to the list of my options. I was looking for an alternative to Johnny Air but i think i will stick to them or go to Amazon direct. That is lousy service and these people are incompetent at best. This is not the only site where they have failed in catastrophic way.
ReplyDeletei agree with you. i have been a satisfied Johnny Air client for 6 years now and they are definitely the one i will recommend. tried LBC shipping cart, hanggang ngayon, no reply from them kung nasaan na ang items ko. Emailed them several times at yung unang email ko lang nireplayan nila na they are working on this. After ilang follow-up, wala man lang kahit isang email. FB page nila wala rin reply. I am looking for a phone # where i can contact them directly kasi nakakastress na. Pagkatapos nito, i will NEVER use LBC Shipping CART again.
DeleteSince they fixed the issue for you and you're letting them "off the hook" as you said, I suggest either editing your title to be less sensationalized (if possible) or at the very least post an update at the very beginning of your post to say that it has been fixed and that it was a misunderstanding.
ReplyDeleteWe Pinoys tend to have short attention spans, so there will be some of us who would just read the headline, the first few paragraphs, go, "Scam pala etong Shipping Cart service e," then either spread this info to their friends or family or just simply never use it again. Which would be a shame, especially because, as you mentioned, we have been waiting for such a service for a long time. And, honestly speaking, you went off on quite a rant there. :-)
Your message differentiates the one who paid for the service, and who got paid by the service. Get real, rants were paid.
DeleteYour message differentiates the one who paid for the service, and who got paid by the service. Get real, rants were paid.
DeletePurchased 6 items in one day.. waited for two long agonizing week.. still not showing up in my cart. REGRETFUL using this forwarder. and yes its hard to believe its LBC
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ReplyDeleteHi everyone, ask ko lang kung na-experience niyo na rin na, nadeliver na Yung items as indicated sa amazon/usps pero walang email galing sa lbc shipping cart na nareceive na nila?
ReplyDeleteKelangan mo lng silang kulitin. They did a system upgrade a few months back and it caused the backlog. My packages arrived to their warehouse last Monday at hndi pa din nagpopost sa cart ko. Been calling them daily and so far i received a confirmation email na nareceive na nila. But then, I still would need to wait for it to post sa cart. =D next time, try using, they deliver items in 1-4 days d2 sa pinas
DeleteHi everyone, ask ko lang kung na-experience niyo na rin na, nadeliver na Yung items as indicated sa amazon/usps pero walang email galing sa lbc shipping cart na nareceive na nila?
ReplyDeleteHi Guys. Experienced the same thing, my package was delivered to 94544 instead of 94545. How did you call them? I've been waiting for teir reply for few days now. Yung pinaka importante pa ang nag ka mali ng deliver. Purchased from 3 shops, sabay sabay sa isang araw. Yung dalawa okay na. Isa nalang 😢
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DeleteFrom JAC, I tried LBC SC this year several times. All my orders from the US arrived. I got a freebie service the second time, I think. But when they said they were making some cost-cutting measures lately, the opposite happened. They were charging me double for an item which weighed far more lighter than the previous items I ordered. I had to opt to have my item shipped via sea cargo. I messaged LBC SC about the weight-padding issue but they just thanked me for bringing up the matter. It's back to JAC for me.
ReplyDeletehi! what is the website of JAC? i tried searching and a lot of sites came up.. they might be copycats so can you please share the real website? thank you so much!
DeleteHow long does it usually takes to process a package for shipping, I paid last November 7, 2016 for sea cargo. It’s been a week now and and the status of my package is still being processed for shipping. Thanks
ReplyDeleteYou were also at fault for not putting the box number in the proper place (the address field) since you can't expect the people at the warehouse to look for it in the gift message. Since your package was from Amazon, I have experience in it and it's not true that you can't put the box number. I put mine on just fine, next time just properly put your box/account number.
ReplyDeleteHaving said that, LBC Shipping cart lost one of my packages and they don't seem to have a policy in place for lost packages. They keep saying "we will ask our warehouse staff" and then if the package is still not found, they don't do anything. Mine has been lost for two months and LBC has not replaced or refunded the item.
The package they sent for me was addressed to post office box in Baguio City. They track the package to their Baguio delivery team, where it has been for 10 days; according to their records they attempted delivery twice and now it is "ready for pick-up". I CANNOT get any phone number or place where it can be picked up in Baguio City, or a phone number I can call to make arrangements. Does anyone out there have a phone number for this outfit?
ReplyDeleteDid you receive the package? I thought lbc shippingcart is supposed to be delivering it to your door.
Deletehi wat is the hotline number? my package was received several days ago but is not reflected on my account until now..thanks
ReplyDeleteReport them to your nearest law enforcement agencies and also the FBI division of Internet Crimes. delivery
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ReplyDeleteI also shipped my items with them. Most recent shipment was delivered to me separately and the items in the box was missing an item. The box was sealed though and 1 out of 4 of the same item was the one missing. The photo when it was received was showing 4 pcs. That was May 19. Its now June 15 and I have not received a resolution from them. Hotline person says the same old thing. The emails as well. They'll contact the warehouse team and they'll get back to me.
ReplyDeleteDon't use Shipping Cart. Try getting the phone number from their LBC fb page.
Try Less hassle yung shipping nung orders nyo. No need to select an oversized box or wait for your box to fill up before sending.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the hotline of LBC shipping cart?
ReplyDeleteWierd, one of the things I ordered was delivered to 94541 instead of 94545 yet shippingcart emailed me saying that they received the item. I thought it was a different item but it matches the tracking id that was delivered to 94541, maybe another branch of LBC carrier?.
ReplyDeletehope they are better now xD cause I bought an expensive item on my first try lol
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know the contact number of shipping cart?
ReplyDeleteThank you because you have been willing to share information with us. we will always appreciate all you have done here because I know you are very concerned with our. us shipping agent